What is "ECONO MOVE"
Hi,my name is Ecomoo.
Let me explain about Econo Move a little bit. |
What is Econo Mova?
The vehicle which passed the regulations of "World Econo Move" , the first economy run race for the electric vehicle in the world.
Affinity of batteries and a motor, relation with body weight and strategy driving..
These all control results greatly. |
What is the new electricity unit EP (eco-power) used in the event?
A quantity of energy of 1litter gasoline EP =8,972W h (at 15 C degrees)
The electrc power of the batteries which the event side provides is converted
to 144wh, only 3 yen in the Japanese electricity cost.
It is the quantity of half of a shot glass when it is substituted to gasoline.

The 2001 WEM is splendid.
The highest record had been 73,826.20km of Yoishot Mitsuba's "USO
800"in 1999.
In 2001, five teams broke the record.
The champion "Super Energy Ver 5.2" ran 76,598.29m, that was
4772.456EP (eco-power).
In other words, SUPER ENERGY ran 76.6km in two hours with less than144Wh
of electricity and that would be about 4772km mileage in 1 litter gasoline.
It is exactly right to compare to the charging rates of each battery and
the rates of making electricity from the petrol.
Even if it was, this result is still marvelous.
”Let's all make a car and will try to compete in World Econo Move”